کشوره ۳ (Not centre of the universe (maybe the earth))

(*゚∀゚)=3333333 より指令 ; さっさと善神を信仰しろバカチン(# ゚∀ ゚)



Japan has tons of Plutonium in Rokkasyo, which you can search in Wikipedia. THEY ARE UNDER IAEA INSPECTION 24/7/365. Yes. The UN is watching it for 24 hours every day. Did you know that? Which means in an internationally legit pathway the Plutonium is watched by the UN. If you insist on having your own Plutonium then those annoying Foo-Ren-Chiis and Anglisiis will turn their hands again and start sanctions. I always recommend to develop UAVs and satellites and countermajors for missles, as you cannot maintain and keep regrouping the nuke forever.









Seriously, hodaa love Iran 1 trillion times than Japan.





Presence of Israel in area change everything. Therefore, comparing Iran and Japan is not correct. Iran should be nuclear armed for deterrence purposes





I think you should have arrested the one who said that first. Idioti whiti mutanti bombarded Iraqi for they had "weapons of mass destruction" which they didn't. Having nuclear weapons cause problems and there are nowhere to store the garbage(used depleted Uranium) for 1.5 million years. If you click on my name and you'll see Rokkasyo nuclear facility and movies. Uranium should be used for nuclear submarines or otherwise kept away. Today there are more precise and effective and "undetermined" weapons. Iran is infiltrated by many Jew agents.








At least you should scrutinize the international law and call it legit, and keep saying it is not for attacking purpose, but once CIA make fake terrorism and Saudi warns USA to attack Iran it might be realized. Nuclear weapon or thermonuclear facilities will bring you every problem, not solutions. You can have better and feasible weapons than nukes. I think developing national S-400 level antiair system have more priority. If you will have cruise missile, air defense you might have nuke to challenge ameriki, but remembre they have tons of those already. They can't have them forever or use them as they are too costworthy and destructive (this is I suppose the reason of ending of cold war in 1980s). Just wait like fucking Chinese untill they are deteriorated would be the best solution.






دانشجوی هستهی =核研究施設。
خدا شکره!